Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Easier said than done

My life has been pretty crazy lately with so many changes going on. It's pretty stressful to say the least. I realized though that some of the changes had to be made because I was relying on my plans rather than God's plan for my life. He pretty much made it clear that certain things needed to wait or weren't going to happen. He also made some things clear that He did want to happen in my life. For instance, we were planning on doing the Color Run and were super excited about it. I also let it slip my mind the dates of the Color Run and my parents booked me a flight to go to North Carolina that weekend. So I was either going to be out $200 for the ticket if I did the Color Run or $40 if I went to North Carolina. I obviously chose North Carolina. And I sold my ticket for the Color Run in like five minutes, how cool is that?!?! God also showed his perfect timing by presenting me an opportunity this week. I have been thinking for a while about volunteering with the youth group at our church but haven't ever gotten around to actually asking about it or doing it. Last Monday our youth director asked me to chaperone on a trip to Camp Glisson this past weekend and my trip was completely free. I had such a great time with those kids. I am still learning about God's timing and trusting His plan instead of mine. It's easy to say but really hard to do.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you! It's hard to wait on God but looking back I can see all the really hard times in my life were because I was rushing into things. Usually if you feel really passionate about something or someone, that's God's will for your life - but he may have a looooong journey for you before you get to that destination you want! Hah! I'm glad you're figuring out some of this stuff while you're still young!
