Saturday, October 25, 2014

Are we really as accepting as we say we are?

So I was just on Facebook and read this:
Basically an interview about why Dolly Parton supports her gay fans. I honestly only read one quote which was "I think everybody should be allowed to be who they are, and to love who they love. I don't think we should be judgmental. Lord, I've got enough problems of my own to pass judgment on someone else."

On the surface that's a really empowering statement and I totally agree. But the more I think about it, and I have thought about this topic a lot up to this moment, I am not sure that I agree 100%.

As most people know, I was raised in quite a conservative family with conservative values. At my school, at church, at home, in conversation, I was taught and I believed in the biblical form of marriage one man + one woman. I still do. And then I went to college. I made friends with people who were raised in a less conservative way, I even made friends with people in the LGBTQ community. I had major issues at first with even being comfortable around these people, but when it came down to it, I realized that they are people too and I might not agree with all of their decisions but I can still be a friend to them and show them God's love. Isn't that what Christianity is all about?

Anyways, through conversation with others and my own thoughts have led me to the same conclusion as Dolly Parton, I don't want anyone to ever feel like they have to be someone else because of me. But this got me thinking more, do the people who are pushing for equality among race or marriage rights, do they submit to the same mindset? I believe the answer is no. The biggest advocates for equality and justice and acceptance of everyone no matter how they feel or what they believe can be the most judgmental and hateful. This is only my opinion, and it is not true for everyone of course. But if you want to accept everyone, then that literally means that no matter who they are, what they are doing, what mindset they have toward society, you have to be accepting of it. I don't believe that liberals (people fighting for equality across the board) are accepting of everyone. They accept the ones they want (LGBTQ, etc.) and they want everyone else to think how they think. I am here to say that isn't how acceptance works. We don't get to tell people how to think or how to live or who they should like or dislike. The difference between people's mindset today and 20 or so years ago is that what is socially acceptable has flip flopped. It's no longer okay to not want to see two men kissing on tv but 20 years ago, even like 5 years ago that was unheard of. People do change, just like everything else, but forcing them to change defeats the whole purpose.